Wednesday, April 22, 2020

HRALF Constitution - The Preamble

In recognition of the fact that human dignity is the basis for human rights, and that protecting and promoting human rights is central to human development, Human Rights At Law Forum is established to provide a democratic platform for Members, Affiliates and Friends to freely discuss human rights issues and share ideas and strategic solutions for promoting and protecting the fundamental human rights and freedoms of all without distinction.

We, the Members of Human Rights At Law Forum, an Association of Human Rights Professionals, therefore adopt and proclaim this Constitution as our common standard of operation, to the end that every Member keeping this Constitution, shall strive to abide by the provisions herein.

Members of HRAL Forum shall use this Constitution together with HRAL Forum’s Handbook and all other relevant materials developed by the Association.

CLAUSE 1:   Name
This Association shall be called Human Rights At Law Forum, in short “HRAL Forum”.

CLAUSE 1:  Vision
To provide a democratic and professional platform for discussing and acting for the enjoyment of human rights and dignity by all people without distinction.

CLAUSE 2:  Mission
To challenge injustice and the violation of human dignity, take practical action for victims of abuse and hold perpetrators to account through the processes of the rule of law.

CLAUSE 2: Guiding Principles
HRAL Forum’s guiding principles are founded on the principles of the universality and indivisibility of human rights, democracy, the rule of law and the scriptural golden rule including:

§  Impartiality
§  Non-discrimination
§  Respect for the rule of law
§  Non-partisanship  
§  Love for humankind, and
§  Integrity    

Friday, April 17, 2020

Treaties and Treaty Bodies


Treaties are formal agreements between two or more States.  Treaties are legally binding, and so States are obligated to comply with them.

Treaties describe different types of human rights and what States must do to realise these rights

Treaty Bodies
Treaty bodies are Committees set up by some treaties to monitor the way States implement the rights contained in the treaty. The treaty bodies monitor how States put the treaty rights into practice. 

The members of the treaty bodies are experts appointed by Sates Parties.  Some treaty bodies also accept complaints of human rights violations from individuals or groups. An example of a treaty body is the UN Human Rights Committee.


Increasing education is recognised as one of the best financial investments States can make because it empowers citizens with the necessary ...